Bryn Mawr Village | Blank Aschkenasy Properties, LLC
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Bryn Mawr Village

Mixed Retail/Office Development

A +/- 52,000 (35,000 Retail and 17,000 Office) SF mixed trophy class retail/Class A+ boutique office development in the heart of the Main Line.  Located in the in the village section of Bryn Mawr (Lower Merion), PA, BMV is the first class A retail project built in Bryn Mawr in the last decade.  Dining tenants include La Colombe, Il Fiore, Chopt, Turning Point and Spread Bagelry, and retail tenants include Athleta, Kirna Zabete, Blue Mercury, OVME, Sweathouz, Solidcore Fitness and Glowbar.

Bryn Mawr Village (PDF)


915 & 925 West Lancaster Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA
(Google Map)


Scott Benson
Metro Commercial Real Estate
(215) 260-2671